Sciatica Pain Treatment in Aurora
The largest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve, runs from the lower back to the bottom of the leg. Sciatica is a condition that is specific to the compression of the sciatic nerve. Pain associated with this condition is often a sharp, burning sensation though sometimes it can be dull and achy. It is most often associated with shooting pains down the legs and can be accompanied by numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.
Sciatica is very common due to the prevalence of lower back pain. Given how many hours a day many people sit (sometimes for 6-12 hours!), it’s no wonder they often experience this type of discomfort. Our bodies are designed to move, not be sedentary.
Common Causes
Some common conditions leading to sciatica include
- Disc issues or diseases
- Spinal stenosis
- Muscle strain/spasm
- SI joint pain
- Spondylolisthesis
Whatever the cause, we want to help you get relief with the proper treatment.
Addressing Sciatica Early On
The importance of early diagnosis and treatment for lower back pain and acute neurological nerve compression cannot be overstated. If left unattended, these conditions become chronic and significantly harder to treat. At Buchar Family Chiropractic, we aim to quickly alleviate your sciatica symptoms to keep them from worsening.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help
Unlike medications, which just mask symptoms, chiropractic care is natural and known to be one of the most effective solutions for sciatica. By adjusting pelvic misalignments and lumbar subluxations, chiropractic care alleviates pressure on the sciatic nerve, which could be causing pain and dysfunction.
Our Treatment Process
First, we conduct a comprehensive consultation and examination focused on your lower back to understand your condition. We then start specific chiropractic treatment focusing on locating and correcting subluxation. If subluxation is the underlying cause, we act fast to correct it.
Individualized Therapeutic Exercise Plan
We create an exercise plan tailored to you and your specific condition, focusing on muscle weaknesses and imbalances causing or contributing to your sciatica. These exercises aid the adjustments carried out at our office and work towards stabilizing the spine. The goal is to integrate these exercises into your routine to support your healing.
Spinal Decompression for Relief
Spinal decompression has proven to be particularly effective in cases of sciatica caused by a disc bulge or herniation. As it takes pressure off of the sciatic nerve, it alleviates pain and dysfunction.
Take the First Step to Healing
Put your sciatica pain in the past and get on the healing path. Contact Buchar Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation.
Common Causes of Sciatica Pain
Herniated Discs
A disc is the soft tissue in between the bones of the vertebrae. These discs help to cushion the spine and create a window where the nerve can exit the spinal cord and service the body. Over time, discs can be damaged forming a bulge which can lead to a herniation. As the disc wears down and dehydrates the fibrous exterior begins to tear causing a bulge. When these fibers tear the gelatinous nucleus herniates, breaking through the exterior of the disc and putting pressure on the nerve causing more intense pain down the leg. Surgery may be necessary if the condition does not improve, that’s why it’s critical to be proactive and seek help at the first sign of a problem.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease is a condition where the discs begin to break down over time. While primarily an age-related condition, obesity, smoking, and work that is hard on the spine can contribute, causing earlier onset. When the disc shrinks, the foramen, which is the window where the nerve exits the spine, gets smaller increasing the risk of sciatic issues. Unfortunately, degeneration cannot be reversed, but we can slow the progression and keep it from getting worse.
The narrowing of the spaces within the spine putting pressure on the nerves traveling through it is called spinal stenosis. This squeezing of the spinal column can make standing and walking difficult. Many people find that sitting down, resting, and bending over can relieve the pressure. Spinal stenosis can cause pain, weakness, numbness, and even loss of function of major organs. It’s critical to get this issue taken care of as quickly as possible.
When a nerve becomes damaged or compressed the body will react by tightening the muscles around the area to protect it from further damage. Unfortunately, this action causes reduced range of motion and can itself lead to pain ranging from dull and achy to severe and sharp. A sudden movement can cause a spasm, but repetitive bad habits like poor posture or weak core muscles can also trigger a strain or spasm. These injuries can usually resolve themselves if the muscle can be released, but addressing it early will ensure the issue doesn’t get worse.
Where the sacrum meets the pelvis is the sacroiliac joint. SI joint dysfunction is a common cause of sciatica pain. This joint absorbs the shock between the upper body and the pelvis. Because of the amount of pressure it absorbs daily chronic issues can arise. In fact, 15-30% of low back pain cases are related to the SI joint. Leg length discrepancy, pregnancy, and repeated stress to the lumbar spine can magnify this issue creating hypomobility, not enough mobility, or hypermobility, too much mobility.
Spondylolisthesis is when one vertebra slips in front of the other and compresses the foramen, the window where the nerve exits the spine. When one vertebra slips in front of the other it compresses the hole where the nerve exits. This results in intense discomfort and pain. Trauma, genetics, intense physical activity, sports injuries, or a fall can all be responsible for spondylolisthesis.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I see a doctor or chiropractor about sciatica? What is the best treatment for sciatica? What causes a sciatica flare-up? What exercises help with sciatica?